Welcoming Members

As your 2023-24 president, I would like to welcome you to the CA: Los Angeles Chapter. Thank you to past board members for all their ongoing contributions in making this chapter successful.

NAPNAP continues to strive for expertise and advocacy in the pediatric population. Our chapter will continue to provide professional development, networking and chapter engagement opportunities including:

  • Quarterly chapter meetings for all members.
  • Chapter newsletters.
  • Complementary CEU dinners and conferences.
  • Annual professional and scholarship awards to be given at our end-of-year luncheon in the summer months.
  • Participation in state legislation via the NAPNAP CA chapters collaborative to advance child health initiatives.
  • Networking opportunities with local hospital leadership, pediatric clinicians and community outreach programs.
  • Annual participation with Project Linus.

NAPNAP group membership fee discounts can be found here.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any suggestions or thoughts by emailing: LA.NAPNAP@gmail.com