American College of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists is Offering a New CME Opportunity -
Clinical Essentials on Depression.
Content Overview
Module 1: Describe depressive disorders and youth at risk for depressive disorders across development.
Lectures and Speakers Treating Depression in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults Boris Birmaher, MD: 2017 Pediatric Psychopharmacology Update Institute The Course of Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression: The Role of Genetic Factors, Comorbidity, and the Association With Parental Symptoms
Christel M. Middeldorp, PhD, MD: 2016 AACAP’s 63rd Annual Meeting Module 2: Describe tools used for screening and assessment for depressive disorders. Lecture and Speaker Evidence-Based Identification of Depression
Anna Van Meter, PhD: 2018 AACAP’s 65th Annual Meeting Module 3: Discuss pharmacological and somatic treatments of depressive disorders, including safety, tolerability, and efficacy. Lectures and Speakers Treating Depression in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
Boris Birmaher, MD: 2017 Pediatric Psychopharmacology Update Institute SSRIs and Suicidality: Cause or Cure?
David A. Brent, MD: 2018 AACAP’s 65th Annual Meeting Pharmacological Strategies for Managing Pediatric Depression
Manpreet K. Singh, MD, MS: 2018 AACAP’s 65th Annual Meeting Module 4: Discuss psychosocial interventions and resilience-promoting prevention strategies for depressive disorders Lectures and Speakers Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression: Efficacy, Mechanisms, and Personalization
David A. Brent, MD: 2014 AACAP’s 61st Annual Meeting Clinical Perspectives: Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents
Laura F. Mufson, PhD: 2016 AACAP’s 63rd Annual Meeting Family-Based Interpersonal Psychotherapy (FB-IPT) for Depressed Preadolescents: Developmental Adaptations to IPT-A
Laura J. Dietz, PhD: 2016 AACAP’s 63rd Annual Meeting Mental Health and Primary Medical Care: New Directions
Joan Rosenbaum Asarnow, PhD: 2016 AACAP’s 63rd Annual Meeting Resilience Building for Children Exposed to War Trauma: A Controlled Classroom-Based Intervention
John A. Fayyad, MD: 2016 AACAP’s 63rd Annual Meeting Suicide Prevention and Resilience at Children’s (SPARC) Program: The development of a Multidisciplinary, Intensive Program for Youth at Risk for Self-injury and Their Families
Betsy D. Kennard, PsyD: 2016 AACAP’s 63rd Annual Meeting Module 5: Formulate a biopsychosocially informed treatment plan that utilizes a system of care approach. Lecture and Speaker Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Systems of Care (SOC)
Mary Margaret Gleason, MD: 2019 Recording for Clinical Essentials on Depression