January 2018 SIG Meeting

Meeting #3: 9am PST/12pm EST, 01/23/18
  • Makenzie Wesner
  • Kim Erlich
  • Pam Lusk
  • Sallie Porter
  • Susan Van Cleve
  • Angela Nash
  • Dawn Garzon Maaks
  • Laura Gamble
  • Rhonda Heschel
  • Brenda Cassidy
  • Anne Derouin
  • Naan Gaylord
  • Anne DeBattista
  • 412 area code
I. Review of Mission & Goals: including possible collaborative goals discussed by SIG leadership at SIG Summit in November 2017:
  1. Continue work with DBMH Resource Website - high traffic, notify Kim or Makenzie about non-working links
  2. ID needs, gaps, resources, volunteers, mentor, leadership opportunities to address parent resources - no uptake from SIG members on this yet
  3. Revise position statement on integration of mental health in primary care settings
  4. Encourage DBMH SIG members to advocate for DBMH population
  5. Encourage members to actively support...more active engagement/input from members needed
  6. Working with Laura Nelson, SDBP - Anaheim September SDBP + NAPNAP - case based discussion to fulfill specific education gaps for PNPs working in DBP settings. Cannot advertise formerly, info embargoed through NAPNAP until 02/26/18. 
  7. Provide Continuing Ed opportunities
  8. Improve communication/engagement with DBMH SIG members
- Susan Van Cleve - TeamPeds communicate expertise, not available to view for individual SIGS
Collaborative goals - inter-SIG collaboration - Children in Disasters SIG collab ==> Disasters Mental Health, Newborn SIG ==> Perinatal Mood Disorders, Parent training on recognition of developmental cues, Adolescent Health ==> SBIRT

II. Member Input: Resources wanted, methods to achieve above goals
- Angie Nash - collecting a bibliography
- Primary Care Management for various disorders, autism
- Resources - please let Kim and/or Makenzie know if ideas arise
III. Call for Volunteers
A. Social Committee members to plan annual SIG social in Chicago; new ideas for the social (e.g., speed mentorship pairing) 
- Sunday v. Tuesday - 4 votes Sunday
- Seating at social for speed mentorship pairing, sign-up


B. Position Statement Authors/Collaborators
1. PNP's Role in Supporting Infant and Family Well-being During the First Year of Life - Sallie Porter, DNP project background
2. Integration of Mental Health in Primary Care - Susan Van Cleve, Anne DeBattista, Pam Lusk
IV. Discussion of What Happened with the Chicago Service Project
*Next SIG meeting will occur at the NAPNAP Annual Conference in Chicago on Sunday, March 18, 2018 from 6-7pm