January 29, 2020 Quarterly DBMH SIG Meeting
(Zoom conference link below agenda)
1/29 6-7 pm PST/9-10 pm EST
Kim Erlich
Makenzie Wesner
Dawn Mason
Jennifer Hensley
Joanne Howard
Stephanie Hosley
Stacia Hays
Anne Debattista
I. Planning for Conference
A. Which SIG members are speaking? How can we support?
Kim Erlich is speaking on Pharmacogenomics in Behavioral Health and Stephanie Hosley is speaking on Best Outcomes for CP
We'd like to bring awareness to any other SIG members who may be speaking/have a poster at NAPNAP, so if that's
you, please let us know!
Please look for these speakers' sessions and come out to show your support - bring your friends/colleagues!
B. Social Committee and SIG Dinner (Shannan Terry)
SIG Social will take place after our in-person SIG meeting at NAPNAP on the evening of Thursday 3/24, at a local restaurant called George's-Greek Food. They have a nice outdoor patio where the dinner would be held. Discussed options of buffet ($22/pp) or family-style ($32/pp) and feedback from SIG members on meeting call was preference for the $22/pp option. Reminded folks that we usually have a grant from PNCB which we use to pay for this event. Discussed how to improve/increase attendance at event. Kim will send out a request for RSVPs, which will be due 3/1, though, in actuality, we have more time to give final numbers to the restaurant, so this gives us more time to drum up more interest. It was brought up that a possible reason for low attendance at the SIG social could be that the SIG meeting (and therefore, the SIG social) are on the pre-conference day, which could deter some (or many?). Reminder that we, as a SIG, had discussed changing the date of the social dinner to later in the week, rather than after our meeting, and we received feedback that folks liked having the social dinner on the day of the meeting.
C. SIG Meeting Agenda for live conference meeting (elections, updates on any current work)
-Elections (SIG secretary) - discussion of open position and election process-If you know of anyone interested in running for secretary, let us know!
-Spotlight on Complex Care ADHD Guidelines (? Makenzie to present these, in her new role as SDBP liaison)
-Collaboration: Milestones (annual conf 6/11-6/12/20 in Cleveland, OH; SIG member Lorrie Stewart spearheaded a submission from her workplace, don't yet know if accepted; we'd previously agreed as a SIG that we would be willing to contribute $500 to support a speaker; however, if no submissions related to our SIG members are accepted, we would be comfortable using these funds to support sending a SIG member to this conference as a representative - Joanne Howard expressed interest in going), SDBP (membership structure has been restructured to make it easier and more reasonable for NPs to join), NAPNAP/SDBP Joint 3rd Annual Educational Symposium will be in Austin, Texas 10/9/20, during the SDBP annual conference and will be on topic of Psychoeducational Evaluation and Planning. Discussed that planning is underway. We have a MD and psychologist whom we've targeted as speakers and may be looking for an NP. Joanne Howard has very relevant experience (was previously a school psych before becoming a NP!) and would be interested. Joanne has experience in providing education to parents about 504 plans, IEPs and their rights at parents.
D. SIG Showcase
NAPNAP has changed the way the SIG showcase will be run. This year, they are trying out having it in a 20-min slot in the passing time between concurrent sessions. Therefore, we do not need volunteers to staff table, nor SIG members' work/pubs to display. Discussed that one difficulty historically has been our inability to sign new members up for the SIG on the spot (e.g., no way to take their payment and "make it official"). Stacia Hays to help look into this through NAPNAP - thanks, Stacia!II. Milestones Partnership
A. Session Submission Update (Lorrie Stewart)
A. Session Submission Update - Lorrie Stewart from our SIG spearheaded a submission from her place of employment, though is not one of the proposed speakers herself. We don't yet know if it was accepted. B. Other Updates (Makenzie)
Makenzie now appointed as liaison between NAPNAP and SDBPIII. Upcoming SIG Board Nominations/Elections
We are recruiting for the position of Secretary within our DBMH SIG Board and are seeking nominations. Contact Dawn Mason for questions about the role of secretary. Process will be explained and nominations officially open during conference.IV. Other Business
-What info do we have on our SIG members? Info about practice, education, and specialty is collected upon registration as a new SIG member, but we haven't been able to leverage this information as intended. It is not all captured on the Excel spreadsheet that results from the new website system, so where does it go and is it possible that the technology infrastructure changes have resulted in an improved interface for this? Kim Erlich to check into this with Daniela Weitzman of NAPNAP.
Kim is running for NAPNAP Member-At-Large. She would appreciate your vote. _____________________