Early bird rate ends February 5th.

Join us virtually on March 5th to discuss:
Racism and Child Development

Featuring the Keynote Harris Speaker:
Adiaha I. A. Spinks-Franklin, MD, MPH, FAAP
Founder and Director of R.A.C.E. C.A.R.D. (Race and Children Education Collaborative of Anti-Racist Developmental Professionals)
Attending Physician, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics at Texas Children's Hospital
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine
Join us again on March 12th to discuss the clinically relevant topic that has greatly impacted our care in the last year - the issues of COVID 19.
- The Neurodevelopmental Impact of COVID19
- Children and Learning from Screens
- COVID-19 PANDEMIC: Focus on Child and Family Wellness: Social Emotional Concerns and Interventions
- Educational Impact of the Pandemic
This annual accredited conference has been going strong for over three decades. It is designed for practicing clinicians who have an interest, passion or emerging expertise in developmental and behavioral pediatrics and want to take their knowledge and skill to the next level.
We have chosen to offer the 2021 meeting as a virtual series, in a shorter format to combat zoom fatigue. We will focus on two clinically relevant topics that have greatly impacted our care in the last year - the issues of race and equity and COVID 19. View the agenda.

This year...it’ll be different.
Come as you are.
Let’s talk about Pediatrics... Parker conference style!