Meeting #2: 4pm PST/7pm EST, 10/5/17
- Makenzie Wesner
- Kim Erlich
- Linda Frye
- Amy LaCava
- Joyce Masterton
- Dawn Mason
- Kathy Gaffney
- Marion Donohoe
- Stephanie Hosley
- Rhonda Heshel
- Sheryl Karen
- Angela Nash
I. Work Group Updates
A. Chicago Developmental Screening Service Project
- Date: Sunday, March 18th, afternoon, to end before 5pm.
- Details: DBMH members would serve as screeners in partnerships with Healthy Steps for parental handouts materials/community resources, perhaps provide a document encouraging parents to communicate findings to PCPs. Input/ideas? Diagnostics will not be part of this service project and we will not be taking any data/do not have IRB approval.
- Partners to date: Access Community Health Network/Madison Family Health Center, Healthy Steps/Advocate Children’s Hospital—still developing these partnerships.
- Screening tools: LTSAE Developmental Milestones Checklists, Ages and States Questionnaire, Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status/DM, M-CHAT. Input?
- Location: potentially, ACCESS Center for Discovery and Learning: https://www.achn.net/locations/location-pages/access-center-for-discovery-and-learning/
- Joyce Masterton, UI Pediatric Neurology & Developmental/Behavioral Medicine: population demographics are largely Latino-language based, 60% literacy, important for comprehension of results and concerns for parents communicating findings to PCPs. Also facing deficit of referral places.
- Member suggestions: include bilingual speakers and social workers, if possible, through community partnerships
- Budget: $1,500
- Project Planning Agenda… need to identify how many children to be screened/target population—preschool population? Identify roles of workgroup members in planning
B. DBMH Resource Website
- Site Tracker Review: conditions on left hand side, Dx, columns C/D/E with red/yellow/green to indicate which sections completed, red areas are empty.
- E-mail Kim or Makenzie to upload information to tracker.
- ACES & Social Determinants further developed through members who contributed after last quarterly call.
- Can access site from any web browser (do not need to go through NAPNAP): http://www.dbmhresource.org
II. Annual Conference
A. SIG Member Sessions: Communicate if talks are accepted, perhaps start a thread. Kim has talk accepted on Big Data & Mental Health. A lot of expertise and talent in our SIG, would love to reap the benefit of DBMH SIG speakers. :)
B. SIG Meeting (3/18 6-7pm)
C. SIG Social - traditionally on same day as SIG Meeting, shall we host on same evening or different night? General consensus to host on separate evening, with some concern that it may conflict with other events.
- Need SIG Social Committee.
III. Review SIG Survey Results
- Of 276 members, 20 SIG members/7.4% completed survey
- 55% of respondents do not know Team Peds Member Network
- Resources or activities respondents would like to see our SIG sponsor/support include: more workshops at annual conference relevant to DB meds, sharing information regarding CE opportunities, sponsor ed sessions related to DBMH annually at NAPNAP annual conference, ed opportunities, CEU discounts, more handouts for parents/website for parents similar to DBMHResource, employment parameters survey, structured resources for specialty certification, Mental Health Symposia in additional cities, expanding annual conference CEU offers for online/mail-in completion, resources for PMHS Exam, journal club, SIG-sponsored Research Grant, more e-mail connections and message board,
- Respondents had the following suggestions to make our annual SIG meetings at NAPNAP National Conference more productive/useful: send out agenda in advance, allow members to comment on topics, sponsor presentations, more time to meet SIG members, larger meeting room and call in connection-DONE in 2017!, if a SIG-sponsored research grant is added, could add presentation of that research to meeting, networking with other SIGs, presentation of project work
- Respondents provided these additional comments about how our SIG could better serve them: partnership between NAPNAP & SDBP that provides for membership discount or conference discount, information about process of diagnosis, parent/child education materials, medication handouts, networking, guidance for specialty certification, national salary/benefits information for DBP NPs
- Additional input - Support group for DNP projects, resource in DBMH profession. **Need to influence the curriculum for PNP graduates so they get this training.
- Marion Donohoe, Kathy Gaffney and Linda to develop position statement.
IV. SIG Awards: Outstanding Contribution & Advocacy. Application deadline is 10/31, we need at least 2 applications. Guidelines posted on website.
Minutes prepared by: Makenzie Wesner, DBMH SIG Secretary