Developmental Behavioral & Mental Health (DBMH) Special Interest Group (SIG) Meeting
5:15 pm-6:15 pm
Current Officers:
SIG Chair- Makenzie Wesner
SIG Co-Chair- Daphna Shaw
SIG Secretary- Elizabeth Silvers
SIG Advocacy Chair- Kate Chappell
*Executive Board Member-At-Large Liaison- Kim Erlich
Meeting Agenda
- (M) Welcome, overview of SIG, and brief introductions (participants share their name and current workplace)
- (M& D) SIG Goals:
Current statuses of proposed goals for 2021-2022
- Ask the Expert Series
- Fall 2021: DBP Virtual Assessments
- Winter 2022: Mental Health in Post Covid Era
- Summer 2022: *pending. Start your own DBP/mental health proactce.
Current/successful projects
- ASD Advocacy Project (ongoing, led by Kate Chappell)
- Exploring healthcare experiences of parents of children with ASD → develop into white paper / advocacy statement
- Looking for 1-2 people to assist with coding interviews
- Focus groups will be led in the next 6 weeks
- Funding for transcription service – Kate has a free transcription service so this isn’t free
- IRB Addendum submitted to give $25 gift cards to families participating - SIG funds
- DBP APRN Workforce Survey (ongoing, led by Daphna Shaw)
- Currently in analysis stage
Upcoming ideas/ future collaborations, etc.
- Collaborate with Integrative Healthcare SIG
- Certificate for Integrative Health NP (Evergreen)
- Collaborate with Adolescent
- Suicidality in adolescents - safety planning
- Adolescent mental health DBP Series talk
- Foster Care - new group we can collaborate with
- Children of Disasters – Ukraine, Mexico, Central America
- Newborn SIG
- MHAIP: Mental Health Autism Insurance Project
- Advocacy for ASD, potential partner
- (E) SIG Engagement: Review current engagement reports, discuss other engagement opportunities or ways to increase, etc.
- Engagement idea: thank you gift to SIG members for resilience throughout pandemic
- (E) Review SIG Benefits (apply for the 2022-2023 year!) SIG offer award, volunteer or CE opportunities
- SIG Advocacy Award
- Linda Frye Contribution Memorial Award
- (D) Conference Activities: SIG Showcase, Silent Auction/Giveaways, DBMH themed topics
- (M) SIG Elections- next call for elections will be late Spring 2023. New officers will begin their service on July 1 2023 serving for 2 years and ending 6/30/2025. Positions will be held for a term of two years, or until a successor has been elected. The length of service in any position should not exceed six years as stated in NAPNAP’s bylaws regarding Executive Board/committee service, unless approved by the Executive Board. All SIG officer terms are aligned to start and end on the same date.
- (M) Pam Lusk- NAPNAP Partners for Vulnerable Youth Alliance to Prevent Youth Suicide Committee
- Partners for Vulnerable Youth (started by Jessica Peck)
- Vision: All youth valued for who they are
- Mission: Evidence based screening/prevention for vulnerable youth. Prevention and intervention
- Face Sheets: Hand out available which describes the initiative
- Accomplishment: Blueprint developed for youth suicide prevention. NAPNAP listed as a partner. The Alliance to Prevent Youth Suicide (APYS)
- Question & Answer time; Open discussion
- Discussion board post- How to access SIG micro-site? (through NAPNAP)
- Safety planning as resource on DBMH site
2021-2022 Goals aligned with the NAPNAP Strategic Plan
Progress/Related Activities
Develop/maintain collaborative online asset management resource of free, vetted, valuable DBMH resources for pediatric healthcare providers
Continued support, maintenance, and updates to website. Reach out to Kim about contributing to spreadsheet of topics → option for students to publish
Identify needs, gaps, resources, volunteers, mentor and leadership opportunities, etc. to support parents and families in the care of their children’s health.
-DBP APRN workforce survey project (ongoing)- in data analysis stage
-Advocacy autism project (ongoing)- IRB pending
-Organize current SIG website and DBMH resource page with updated resources (ongoing)
-Virtual fall/winter “expert series” events (ongoing- 1st took place Fall 2021 (Virtual DBP assessment), 2nd took place Spring 2022 (Mental health needs for children in the post-pandemic era)
Revise NAPNAP Position Statements associated with DBMH issues.
Deferred at this time- plan to address autism advocacy position statement 2022-2023 pending ongoing study results
Encourage DBMH SIG members to advocate for DBMH populations
Advocacy autism project (ongoing)- expect a call for volunteers for participation soon
Encourage DBMH SIG members to actively support the mission and goals of the DBMH SIG and the population served with excellence in DBMH-focused professional practice, educational, and/or research activities
Tell us what you are up to! Our SIG members have large collective experiences to share.
Collaborate with other SIGS
-We collaborated with the Adolescent SIG for our Spring 2022 Ask the Expert Series
-Focus 2022-2033 goals on joint SIG ventures- School Based SIG, Adolescent Health SIG, Integrative Medicine SIG
Collaborate with other professional organizations supporting the mission and goals of NAPNAP and the DBMH SIG.
-Continue working with organizations including AAP, PNCB, and Society of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics to establish education programs and standards for APRNs providing care to children with DBMH needs (ex: SDBP + NAPNAP Joint Symposium; proposed collaboration with Milestones Autism Resources)
-We received a $500 donation from PNCB this year
Provide education opportunities to our membership including sessions at national conference.
-Collaborate with other SIGs on educational offerings as above
Support and actively promote Health Policy efforts that impact DBMH care of children.
-Autism advocacy project in conjunction with new role of Advocacy Chair- developed this year; work with Nationals on the Health Policy Committee to promote relevant legislative endeavors