March 2018 Annual SIG Meeting at NAPNAP Annual Conference

6pm CST, 03/18/18

Position Statement on Integration of BH into Primary Care. Opportunity for DBMH to revise the statement with key elements to be addressed (Dawn Garzon Maaks):
• Please volunteer if interested in joining task force, currently comprised of membersLinda Frye, Anne DeBattista, Susan van Cleve, Pam Lusk
• Include information about reimbursement for services?
• Include other groups, such as FNPs, who could benefit from/are already using an integrated care model?
• Rather than simply re-stating what has been said in past, DBMH could use this position statement as a means to make a strong argument and assert presence as national leader 
SIG Awards
Initial motion to change current SIG awards (Advocacy Award + Outstanding Contribution Award) to:
• Award to support research for PhD/DNP or other applicable researchers
• Award to support educational activities
Concerns raised:
• Holding original intent of awards as established a few years ago (Anne DeBattista)
• Could be confusion about qualifications (Dawn Mason)
• Dawn Mason: stated she herself considered applying for one of the current awards this year but was confused about  whether she qualified.
• Program development (Tamara Langhoff), concern about opportunities for non-research clinicians
• August award opening determined following September opening not functioning well in past, could be readjusted     (Daniela Weitzman), continued concern that August opening not ideal (Dawn Garzon Maaks)
• Must be 2 applicants to grant award, Advocacy Award requires application, Contribution Award requires nomination (DW)
Resolution: Update description of current awards to aid in potential applicant's understanding of the range of activities that 
would be acceptable to submit in order to achieve award (Shannan Stephenson)

SIG Board Nominations
Linda Frye will rotate off of SIG board, Kim Erlich will become Chair
• Co-Chair Nominations: Makenzie Wesner
• Secretary Nominations: Dawn Mason 
Please e-mail Linda or Kim with any nominations and/or interest in serving on SIG Board for next 2-year term

Upcoming Educational Opportunities
• SDBP+NAPNAP Symposium - 9/14/18 in Anaheim, CA. Collaboration to present a symposium at the SDBP annual conference, NAPNAP attendants can pay. SDBP member rate in conference registration. Beth Heuer scheduled to present.
• NAPNAP MH Symposium - originally targeted 08/12/18 in Columbus, OH, now TBD pending further communication between Kim Erlich, Naomi Schapiro and Laura Nelson
DBMH SIG partnerships
• DBMH+Newborn SIG -> presentation/project on Perinatal Mood Disorders (Anita Berry, Karen Robinson)
• DBMH+Adolescent Health Care SIG -> SBIRT workshop development for NOLA Conference in which attendees could get certified in SBIRT screening (Brenda Cassidy, Angie Nash, Naomi Schapiro, Pat Braun of School-Based Health Services SIG)
• DBMH+Child Maltreatment & Neglect SIG -> "No Hit Zone" campaign, preschool consultations
• DBMH+Children & Youth with Special Health Care Needs SIG -> Makenzie Wesner will discuss potential partnership and projects as co-member

Other Volunteer Opportunities
• Parent resource development
• Website
• Service Project for 2019 Conference in New Orleans given member interest/commitment to organizing task force for planning and implementation (Kim Erlich, Linda Frye)

Communication Update - Quarterly Zoom Meetings
Varied to provide highest possibility of accommodating various members across the country 
• Member request for 6pm PST/9pm EST, to be accommodated next scheduled meeting
• SIG Officers requesting Zoom accounts show first + last name of members to help with attendance records

Logo Contest. DBMH is seeking SIG members to design a logo to celebrate, publicize and advance our work & image:
• Logo Design Requirements: Color + Meaning + Versatility & Professionalism
• Submission Deadline & Details: 04/18/18. Submit original source file+high resolution pdf directly to Designs will be posted for a SIG vote & winner will work with Makenzie to formally design logo.