March 2020 SIG Meeting

March 31, 2020 5:00-6:00 pm PST/ 8:00 pm EST

Virtual Quarterly Meeting: (see full Zoom information below agenda)    


Kim Erlich

Dawn Mason

Makenzie Wesner

Melissa Kohnen

Nan Gaylord

Patricia Curry

Angela Nash

Shelia Umayam

Kathy Gaffney

Stacia Hays

Stephanie Hosley

Dawn Garzon Maaks

Catherine Cheely

Cyndi Dimovitz

1. Kim discussed election process. Details from National still pending.  Kim will rotate off as Co-chair in June. Makenzie will continue as Co-Chair and Dawn Mason will transition from Secretary to Co-chair with Makenzie.  DBMH SIG is looking to fill the officer position of Secretary. For questions about duties of Secretary, contact Dawn Mason. NAPNAP National posted on April 6th, that SIG elections will be postponed until September 1, 2020. Per our last meeting (October 2019), JoAnne Howard was interested in running for Secretary. We are continuing to solicit interest up until the election process begins in September 2020, per the NAPNAP process.
2. Makenzie discussed that several members took part in reviewing the new ADHD Complex Care Guidelines
3. Kim informed the membership that the SDBP collaboration with NAPNAP will host its all day symposium will take place on Oct. 9th in Austin, TX.; Makenzie informed the membership that the Milestones Autism annual conference will be held virtually this year due to COVID-19.
4. Kim reviewed the SIG goals for this year, which have been re-worked, and re-mapped to be congruent with the new 2020-2023 NAPNAP Strategic Plan, in which new focus areas (Child Health and Wellness, Membership Engagement, Association Outreach, and Operational Infrastructure and Sustainability) support the mission and core values of NAPNAP. The membership was asked to review and submit feedback by May 15th. SIG budget was also reviewed.
5.  Kathy Gaffney reported that APNA might allow students to use teleprecepting to obtain clinical hours. She also gave app-based resources for those dealing with anxiety due to the pandemic. ichill, chill, calm, headspace. Kathy reported knowledge of a resource for COVID-related mental health and Kim Erlich has now posted that on our Resources section of the NAPNAP DBMH SIG site.





Elections-SIG Secretary

Kim, Dawn

Spotlight on Complex Care ADHD Guidelines




A. NAPNAP/SDBP: Annual Educational Symposium 

B. Milestones Autism Resources: Annual Conference 






Proposed 2020-2021 Goals/Strategic Plan





1/01/2019  Beginning Balance                                                                                      $14,980.45
PNCB Donation to DBMH SIG                                                                            $ 500.00
2019 DBMH SIG Advocacy Award-Angela Nash                                                   $1000
2019 Kim E. conference supplies/auction/social reimbursement                        $ 781. 04
2019 Dawn M. conference reimbursement                                                        $ 500
2019 Conference annual meeting F & B                                                             $ 1086. 02
2019 Conference SIG Showcase                                                                        $ 150.00
Zoom account reimbursement                                                                          $ 149.90
Officer reimbursement Wonder Weekend                                                         $ 200
2020 Kim E. Reimbursement for SIG donation to NAPNAP Fdtn Auction             $100

            TOTAL DBMH SIG EXPENSES                                                                   $4966. 96                                           


NET Temporary Restricted DBMH Funds                                                            $15,628. 49





Related Activities Plan

NAPNAP Strategic Plan Areas of Focus

Develop and maintain collaborative online asset management resource of free, vetted, valuable DBMH resources for pediatric healthcare providers

Continued support, maintenance, and updates to website

·   Membership Engagement (continuing education)

·   Operational Infrastructure & Sustainability (maximize resource utilization; innovation & technology

Identify needs, gaps, resources, volunteers, mentor and leadership opportunities, etc. to support parents and families in the care of their children’s health.

Develop parent resources

for website or develop similar site for parents


·   Child Health and Wellness

·   Member Engagement (shared community)

·   Association Outreach (child & public affairs advocacy)

Revise NAPNAP Position Statements associated with DBMH issues

Work with select members of DBMH SIG and NAPNAP national to update Position Statement with current practice standards(ex: Integration of Mental Health in Primary Care; PNPs Role in

Supporting Infant and Family Well-being During the First Year of Life)

·   Child Health and Wellness (pediatric outcomes; vulnerable populations)

·   Association Outreach (child & public affairs advocacy)

Encourage DBMH SIG members

to advocate for DBMH populations 

DBMH Advocacy Award to DBMH SIG member

·   Association Outreach (child & public affairs advocacy)


Encourage DBMH SIG members

to actively support the mission and goals of the DBMH SIG and the population served with excellence in DBMH-focused professional practice, educational, and/or research activities

DBMH Outstanding Contribution to the SIG Award to DBMH SIG member


·   Child Health and Wellness (pediatric outcomes; vulnerable patient populations)

Collaborate with other SIGs

Form collaborative partnerships with other SIGs on position statements, educational activities, and other activities as needed (ex: education on integrative approaches in DBMH care with Integrative Health SIG; perinatal mood disorders with the Newborn SIG, SBIRT training with

Adolescent Health SIG)

·     Membership Engagement (diverse membership; continuing education; shared community)

·     Association Outreach (child & public affairs advocacy)

Collaborate with other professional organizations supporting the mission and goals of NAPNAP and the DBMH SIG


Continue working with organizations including AAP,

PNCB, and Society of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics to establish education programs and

standards for APRNs providing care to children with DBMH needs (ex: SDBP + NAPNAP Joint

Symposium; proposed collaboration with Milestones Autism Resources)

·     Association Outreach (child & public affairs advocacy; workforce development; affiliate relationships)

·     Membership Engagement (continuing education; shared community)

·     Operational Infrastructure & Sustainability (diversified revenue sources; maximize resource utilization; innovation & technology)

Provide education opportunities to our membership including sessions at national conference


Collaborate with other SIGs on educational offerings as above; sponsor mini-tracks and/or single presentations of DBMH content at NAPNAP Annual Conference

·     Membership Engagement (continuing education; shared community)

·     Operational Infrastructure & Sustainability (maximize resource utilization; innovation & technology)


Support and actively promote

Health Policy efforts that impact

DBMH care of children

DBMH SIG member representation on NAPNAP Health Policy Committee & Health Policy meetings to advocate for DBMH population & appropriate care (ex: Beth Heuer & Dawn Garzon Maaks on NAPNAP Health Policy Committee; Dawn Mason attended Wonder Weekend 2019

·     Child Health and Wellness (pediatric outcomes)

·     Association Outreach (child & public affairs advocacy)

Topic: DBMH 2020 Annual Meeting

Time: Mar 31, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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